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Snoring FAQ's

What Is Snoring?
Snoring is a common condition that happens when air flows past relaxed tissues in the throat, causing them to vibrate during sleep. This vibration produces a sound that can be a nuisance to sleep partners. It can also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as sleep apnea, and affects both men and women of all ages.

Are There Different Forms Of Snoring?

Yes, snoring can manifest in various forms, each with its own characteristics and potential underlying causes. Some common types of snoring include:

  1. Nasal Snoring:  Occurs when there is congestion or blockage in the nasal passages, leading to noisy breathing through the nose during sleep.

  2. Mouth Breathing Snoring:  This type of snoring happens when individuals primarily breathe through their mouths while sleeping, often due to nasal congestion, deviated septum, or other structural issues.

  3. Palatal Snoring:  Involves vibration of the soft palate and uvula at the back of the throat, resulting in the typical snoring sound.

  4. Tongue-Based Snoring: This happens when the tongue falls back into the throat during sleep, obstructing the airflow and causing snoring.

  5. Positional Snoring:  Some individuals only snore when sleeping in certain positions, such as on their back, due to the relaxation of throat muscles that occurs in these positions.

Identifying the specific type of snoring can help in determining appropriate treatment strategies and addressing any underlying issues contributing to the snoring.

Is It Common For Women To Snore?

Yes, it is common for women to snore, especially if they are overweight or reaching menopause. Pregnant women may also experience snoring. An anti-snoring mouthpiece can be a non-invasive solution for this issue.

Can you Stop Snoring from the First Night?

While our anti-snoring mouthpiece has an 85% success rate, there are other ways to reduce snoring. Simple adjustments like sleeping on your side, using nasal strips or dilators, or avoiding alcohol and sedatives can provide immediate relief for some people. However, persistent efforts and consultation with a healthcare professional may be necessary for others to identify and address the root cause of their snoring. We're here to help you find the best solution for your needs!

Stop Snoring for Good with SnoreMate Mouthpiece

How Long Does The Mouthpiece Last?
Our mouthpiece is designed to last up to 4 months with regular use. However, it's important to keep it clean and hygienic to ensure its longevity. Please note that the lifespan of the mouthpiece may vary depending on usage habits.

So, why doesn't the SnoreMate anti-snoring mouthpiece have any holes? 

Mandibular devices, whether with or without holes, are highly effective in reducing snoring. Correct breathing habits through the nose are crucial for optimal results. While some mouthpieces have holes, they are not intended for breathing but rather to facilitate swallowing saliva. To achieve the best results with SnoreMate, it's essential to maintain clear nasal passages.

What Does It Feel Like To Wear An Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece?

Wearing an anti-snoring mouthpiece can take some getting used to, similar to wearing a gum guard before playing sports. Initially, it may feel strange and cause discomfort in your jaw and cheek muscles as they adapt to the new position. However, this minor discomfort is short-lived and worth it. After a week or two of use, you'll be accustomed to sleeping with the mouthpiece and enjoy the benefits of feeling refreshed and well-rested.

Does SnoreMate Mouthguards Come In Different Sizes?

SnoreMate is a boil-and-bite mouthpiece that comes in one size fits all. The material is soft when heated and can be molded to fit most sizes of teeth and jaws.

What materials are used to make SnoreMate?

It is made from an FDA-approved hypoallergenic thermoplastic, is BPA, latex-free, and is approved for medical dental use.

How Often Will I Need To Replace My Mouthpiece?

Every four months to a year. The material needs to be soft enough to be comfortable. Over time, this softness causes the mouthpiece to stretch, moving the jaw backward in position. If the material was too firm, you would experience discomfort in the teeth and jaw.

What do I clean the mouthguard with?

Use a toothbrush with toothpaste to clean it or place the mouthpiece in a container and drop in a Polident tablet. A mouthwash would also be adequate to keep the mouthpiece clean.

Are There Any Side Effects?

The mouthpiece is normally very well tolerated. There are minor and temporary side effects and this refers mainly to hyper-salivation and morning discomfort.

Is It Normal That The Snoring Mouthpiece Falls Out At Night?

It takes about two weeks to get used to wearing the stop-snoring mouthpiece, so it is natural that when you relax you will allow the mouthpiece to fall out. As long as you have stopped snoring the mouthpiece is fitted correctly, and naturally long term you will get used to sleeping with the snoring device.

How Many Times Can It Be Molded?

Rest easy knowing that our snoring mouthpiece can be molded twice for the perfect fit. Simply follow the provided instructions carefully and take your time to ensure the best results. Practicing the forward position can also aid in stopping snoring. If you have any questions or concerns, our team is here to help.

Is The Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece Easy To Mold?

Molding the mouthpiece for the first time can be a bit challenging. To make it easier, we recommend first-time users to order the double pack, which includes an extra mouthpiece. It's important to prepare and practice in front of a mirror to get the hang of how the ant-snoring mouthpiece should feel and look. Once you've mastered it, molding it in the future will be a breeze.

Who can Wear the Snoring Mouthpiece?

Is it possible for individuals who wear dentures to use a snoring mouthpiece?

Sorry, but it's not a good idea to use a snoring mouthpiece if you wear dentures. It's better to stick to the mouthpiece only if you have healthy teeth and gums.

Is a snoring mouthguard suitable for Children?

Children should not use the snoring mouthpiece as their jaw and teeth are still in the development stage. It is important to wait until they are fully developed before considering the use of a snoring mouthpiece.

Simple and effective design

Stops snoring from the first night. | Recommended by dentists and doctors.

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